COVID-19 FRS Co-op Business Services Update 14/4/20

As we work through this unprecedented Covid 19 crisis together the health and safety of our staff, customers and suppliers are of utmost importance to us.

We are closely monitoring the situation and taking all HSE and Government guidelines and restrictions on board and adjusting our business services to safeguard all concerned. 

Below outlines the business service updates for FRS Farm Relief, FRS Fencing, FRS Training, FRS Recruitment and Herdwatch

FRS Farm Relief Business Service Update: 1/4/20

FRS Farm Relief Services have been classified as an essential service provider and may continue to operate services to farmers at this challenging time.

We thank our staff and operators on the ground who will work within the HSE and Government guidelines on Covid 19 to continue our essential service to farmers in the areas of Milking and General Farm Work. Our other services of Hoof Care, Dehorning and Scanning will operate on an emergency basis only with other services, such as Freeze Branding, being suspended at this time.

We have issued guidelines to our staff, operators and farmers (see below) to strictly follow in order to safeguard everyone involved as we continue to operate our essential services to the Agricultural Industry.

Please contact your local FRS office if you need assistance.

FRS Fencing Business Service Update: 1/4/20

FRS Fencing are continuing to service our DIY farm fencing customers within the current Covid-19 guidelines.

Please contact your local FRS Fencing office  to discuss your needs as we navigate this challenging time together.

FRS Training Business Service Update: 1/4/20

We are following  advice outlined in the announced public health restrictions by the Government and education authorities, as well as our awarding bodies,  in relation to Covid 19 and are following their advice and guidelines.

Regrettably all our courses including,  QQI, SOLAS, CSCS, City & Guilds and LANTRA have been put on hold at this time until further notice in line with the most recent public health restrictions announced by the Government  on 28/3/20.

As FRS Training staff work from home we  remain operational and can be contacted through normal communication channels of website, e-mail and phone. Contact FRS Training

FRS Recruitment Business Services Update: 1/4/20

As FRS Recruitment staff are working from home, services are operating as normal and under HSE guidelines and can be contacted through their normal communication channels of website, e-mail and phone. Contact FRS Recruitment

Herdwatch Business Services Update: 1/4/20

As Herdwatch staff are working from home, services are operating as normal and under HSE guidelines and can be contacted through their normal communication channels of website, e-mail and phone. Contact Herdwatch

FRS Co-op will continue to monitor the situation and co-operate fully with the National Strategy to contain this virus.

Together we will get through this, keep safe.

FRS Co-op Management

Relevant information links:

Contact FRS:

List of essential service providers (issued by Government 28/3/20):

Guidelines to Farmers using FRS services:

HSE guidelines on Covid 19:

Public Information Booklet on Covid 19

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